Book a Regular Class

Welcome, I’m delighted you have decided to take a regular class.

The payment system is is my solution for balancing allowing people to pay what they want, with some sense of commitment to the practice, and some financially stability for myself.

Please read the clear and simple terms and conditions below before registering by filling in the form

  • The initial payment is for the rest of this month, and is paid into the account below. All following payments should be by standing order on the 1st of the month (same account details below):

  • The payments are to be made over twelve months, and are the same during months containing holidays, so consider this when choosing your payment (we average 3 ⅓ classes per month).
  • Most people on a regular wage pay between £35 per month (£10 per class) & £50 per month (£15 per class) but several folks pay more or less than that, it really is up to you.
  • You are welcome to regularly attend two classes a week. I would suggest paying between 50% more and double what you do/would for one class (perhaps between £50 and £100 a month)
  • ⅓ (or 33%) of my income is donated to charities chosen by the students.
  • If you’d like to contribute in other ways (perhaps because you are time rich, or maybe you can’t afford to pay as much as you’d like to) there are other ways to contribute (though all students must make some monthly financial contribution, time contributions are voluntary and it is fine to write zero here).
  • You can leave at any time, but please fill out a leave form before your last payment to do so.